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Grant-Making Foundations




Are you suffering from running between crisis and emergency mode? Do you have chronically overworked staff? Are you unsure about the risks of your organisation and how to mitigate them? Are you dependent on only a handful of donors? Do you have an unclear or unrealistic strategy? Are the roles and responsibilities between your senior leadership and board blurry? Do you lack funds to deliver on your mission?


Or are you just conscious of a fast-changing environment and want to benefit from an experienced external view to identify key factors that will ensure your continued success?


We help you

develop strategic, holistic and practical solutions that make your organisation well governed, managed and financed.  This will help to establish a healthy workplace for your most important organisational treasure: your staff, carriers of knowledge, experience and commitment necessary to fulfil your mission and reach your organisational goals.




Are your grants recipients too dependent on your funds? Do you want to ensure responsible phasing out of your funding, enabling your grantee to continue the work that has been built up with your support? Is your grantee unique content-wise, but unsustainable, not managed efficiently, with weak governance or undiversified funding? Are you considering supporting a new grantee and need a good understanding and external view of their organisational strengths and weaknesses?


We help you to:

  • Assess the organisational potential of your grantees or potential grantees and identify key points for organisational development to leverage impact

  • Support your grantees in organisational development and management capacity building

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Grant-Making Foundations



Are you receiving too many or irrelevant grant proposals? Is your grant-making strategy too broad or are you having trouble communicating it? Are you looking for suitable organisations that can sustainably promote your cause and be the right partners for your purpose? Are you unsure how to include your beneficiaries in defining your approach to best fulfil your purpose? Are you struggling with defining clear and feasible requirements towards your beneficiaries, that fulfil your needs?


We help you to:

  • Clarify and focus your grant-making strategy, policy and approach

  • Develop grant-making approaches that go beyond charity towards sustainability and justice

  • Establish mechanisms for open and honest discussion with beneficiaries on equal footing

  • Sharpen your communication to potential grant recipients

  • Match you with implementing organisations suitable to your purpose and goals

  • Assess potential grant recipients

Small Foundations

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Roots to Rise

Route de Recolaine 7

2824 Vicques





Geneva, Switzerland



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